Now the deal has been sealed via Carrie Fisher in The Advocate : My grandmother knows it and she barely speaks English.” But also, this guy from said: “Frankly, just about everyone knows John Travolta is gay. Sometimes I feel like we unknowingly live in a bubble that might be imaginary where we make shit up and then circle-jerk our way into believing our own rumors.
For example, Alex’s Dad did not know that John Travolta was gay and was not taking my word for it. It turns out that “John Travolta is gay” is not a thing that everybody knows about or agrees upon. “John Travolta is gay,” is a thing I thought I could say out loud at a dinner table and it would be about as innocuous and unanimously-agreed-upon as a statement like, “these rolls are delicious!” or “your daughter is a very talented designer!” This came up at some point during a dinnertime “conversation” a few months back at Autostraddle Design Director Alex‘s family’s house when I mentioned off-hand that John Travolta was gay.